Dr. Robert Avery is a medical oncologist at Cancer Care Center of Montgomery, Alabama, specializing in hematology and oncology. In this video, Dr. Avery talks about the importance of healthy eating for improved gene health.

Dr. Avery explains, “The key here is that if you eat well, then the nutrition helps keep your genes healthy, helps keep the good genes working and the bad genes turned off.” He recommends Juice Plus+ products because of “the positive changes that occur in our cells when we feed them well.” Dr. Avery states, “We're all threatened by toxins and bad genes, but given the proper fuel, our bodies can work hard to protect us.”
Dr. Avery is currently an associate clinical professor of Medicine for the University of Alabama Birmingham residency training program in Montgomery. In addition, he actively lectures to the residents and staff at Baptist South Medical Center, serves as a regular speaker for the Juice Plus+ Prevention Plus+ Education Series, and is a board-certified fellow of American College of Physicians.
Source: Juice plus 


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